Boo is a BOI (born on the island) life-long Galvestonian. He loves the island lifestyle and at an early age his love for music was at the forefront of his focus and passion. Growing up in a household where he was the youngest of 5 siblings, his family owned and upright Kimble piano that his 3 sisters played. At an early age he started tickling with the ivory keys teaching himself to play simple melodies. Around the age of 10 his mother bought him a set of drums with her S&H green stamps. He set them up in front of the family’s music console and away he drummed to the family records. He attributes his musical foundation to understanding the importance of the “beat!” He believes that the most important thing when it comes to the beat is you gotta be able to count to 4 and know where the 1 is!
Early in his teen years Boo bought his first electric guitar with an amp from a coworker. He started teaching himself and practicing daily on chord formations, rhythm and leads. soon the opportunity to join a band presented itself. He remembers that they weren’t any good, but he learned a lot and had a ton of fun!
Through the 70s, 80s and 90s he played with a few top-notch cover bands. He played the keyboard, rhythm and lead guitar as well as the bass guitar. For many years gigging and performing became his way of life. In addition, he held a full-time job as a food purveyor and helped raise his five kids along with his wife of 42 years. He says that his wife has always been supportive of his musical journey. She understands that he is a musician and that music and performing is his passion.
As his musical ambitions grew, Boo found himself wanting to write, play and perform his own music. In 2012 he released his debut CD called Where I Wanna Be. He still remembers what a learning experience it was to be in the recording studio with all the top notch players. Using what he learned from that experience he decided to produce his own project with the help of some long-time musician friends. Boo was able to make his dream come true with his the release of his CD, Quarantine Sessions, which is is the final stages of being released on streaming music platforms.
Boo believes that life is good, but life is better with music!