Rick Valente looks at life in many different ways…..some simple and some complicated. Growing up on south side of Chicago in the late 50’s and in the 60’s, it was Rock & Roll, Chicago blues and Soul music instilled in his head. "The greatest time in modern musical history I think" states Rick.
After moving to New England, enlisting in the US Navy at the tail end of the Vietnam War, his subsequent aviation college in Florida and finally airline jobs in Texas, Rick's musical savvy and spirit has morphed significantly. As one who had no early interest in country music, country music has made its indelible mark on his music.
"I’ve grown in my love of acoustic guitar, fiddle, keyboards, harmonica and dobro/slide/pedal steel. My songs reflect my life and things I’ve seen or done. Loves lost and won, trials and tribulations, hopes and dreams. I just want to paint a picture of my soul through my music and hope whomever listens to these songs will “catch my drift” as we used to say!"